Explore the fascinating mythology of Mishipeshu, the powerful water spirit and guardian of the Great Lakes in Ojibwa culture.
Monsters and Us - Exploring North America's Most Intriguing Legends

Explore North America's Most Intriguing Legends
Monsters and Us: Unveiling North America's Cryptid Mysteries
"Discover the fascinating world of North America's cryptids, exploring legends, folklore, and cultural heritage."
Featured Articles
Explore our latest research and discoveries in cryptozoology and folklore
Discover the tale of Pennsylvania's weeping forest creature, a unique cryptid that captures hearts with its melancholic charm.

Mysterious Footprints: Following the Trail of Bigfoot
An in-depth exploration of modern Bigfoot research methods and the scientific approach to cryptozoological investigation.
From Lake Champlain to Okanagan Lake, exploring the legends of mysterious creatures lurking in the depths of North America's lakes.

The Mothman Events of Point Pleasant: Beyond the Legend
A historical examination of the documented events that occurred in Point Pleasant, West Virginia between 1966 and 1967.
Books in this Series
Explore the mysterious world of cryptids, folklore, and unexplained phenomena through our growing collection of books.

Monsters and Us: Unveiling North America's Cryptid Mysteries
A journey through mysterious encounters, regional folklore, and the stories that shape our understanding of the unexplained.
Release Date: November 26, 2024
Monsters and Us: Book Two
_Title and details to be revealed in 2025_
Release Date: June 15, 2025